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Data Availability Statement


The data availability statement or a similarly termed section, depending on the publisher, is part of the back matter of a manuscript. The back matter usually also contains information on conflicts of interest, author information, acknowledgements and the references.

The data availability statement enhances findability and enables linking of the manuscript to the corresponding FAIR dataset in research data repositories via PIDs such as DOIs, alternatively using the repository-specific identifiers or accession numbers.

Depending on the publisher, the data availability statement may be directly added to the manuscript submitted or is automatically added during manuscript submission via the respective publishers submission system.


PIDs to the corresponding dataset(s) of a scientific article, with one of the scientific publishers, should be mentioned in the data availability statement, while PIDs to datasets from other researchers which are reused and cited should be added to the reference section. This distinction is important, because the link to the dataset in the PID metadata is set differently, depending onwhether the dataset is a directly related source of information or a reference as its information is reused.

Templates for Data Availability Statements

Data in a publicly accessible repository with DOI

The data generated and analysed during this study are openly available in [repository name] at [DOI as URL].

Data will be available in a public repository with DOI following an embargo from the date of publication

The data generated and analysed during this study will be openly available in [repository name] at [DOI as URL] following an embargo from the date of publication.

Data derived from public domain resources

The data used for/in this study are openly available in [repository name] at [DOI as URL]. The data were derived from sources available in the public domain [list of resources].

Dataset owned by a third party and restrictions apply to availability

The data analysed in this study were provided by [third party] under licence/by permission and are not publicly available. Data are available upon request to [third party, including contact information].

The data generated and analysed in this study are not openly available due to [reasons, including explanation]. The data are available in [repository] on request to a Data Access Committee [link to access information].

Data sharing is not applicable, as no new data is generated.

Data sharing is not applicable, as no new data was generated or analysed in this study.


Please note that data availability statements such as 'data available on request from the authors' and 'authors have elected not to share data' are unFAIR, as the data is neither findable nor accessible. Furthermore, statements such as 'data available in supplementary material of the article' are unFAIR, if data is kept in supplementary PDFs, as this data is not interoperable and, hence, difficult to be reused.

Sources and further information

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Main author: ORCID:0000-0003-4480-8661